2024. 12 months. 365 days. 525,600 minutes. That’s numerous opportunities that held space for joy, hope, laughter, love, grief and tears. This season, we see family gatherings, friend gift exchanges, the white fluffy stuff falling from the sky, gifts lists galore, and Christmas carols fill the air. As this year comes to close, reflections and the important aspects of life make their way to the forefront of our minds and hearts. For some, this year flew by. For others, it’s a different story. Wherever you are this Christmas season, I want to say, I see you. Here is what I’m reminded of this Christmas season:
1. Perspective is KEY. Make time to rest. In a time where we can get overwhelmed by everything we have to do, cook, drive to, fly to, or buy, find moments, however how small, to REST. What is the purpose and meaning of this season? We don’t have to run around until the wheels fall off. Maybe your budget looks different this year. PAUSE. I encourage you to look through the lense of thankfulness, gratitude and joy, even when it’s hard.
2. Emmanuel, God with us, isn’t some story from 2000+ years ago. His presence is real and among us currently. He’s there. He wants to celebrate this joyous season with us!
3. Tell those around you that you love them. Tell them often. Overtell them for goodness sake. Forgive and show grace when needed. Maybe this is the season to heal old wounds.
4. BREATHE and be PRESENT. Every family and friend gathering, take a moment to soak it all in without your phone in your hand. Take a mental snapshot, store that precious memory that no picture can do justice. Laugh, reflect, and every emotion in between. Christmas Perfection is not possible, so let it goooooo. That kitchen mess that the grandkids made baking cookies? It’s ok. Even though there is flour and frosting everywhere. The glitter that exploded from that Christmas card was picked out and given with love.
Our team here at Synergy Insurance, is so grateful as we look in the rearview mirror of 2024. We are a family and have sat with each other through joys and sorrows. We have walked alongside each other here and with you, our clients and extended family. It’s an honor and privilege that you have allowed us another year to be present with you. Whatever comes your way this Christmas season, we pray that you are blessed and are able to spend it with those you love.