We believe in investing. Investing in lives is an important focus of Synergy’s great value system. Going even further than that, we love and believe in the investment into young people’s lives. We know that investing back into the lives of our future leaders is completely invaluable.
Three of our agents were able to make an appearance at three different middle schools with “Flo” from Progressive. They each shared about the importance of hard work and leadership, but also living a life of integrity. Integrity is working hard even when no one is checking in.
“Flo” shared her piece on what marketing is, and how to sell a product that someone cannot physically touch. She enjoyed the questions of, “Are you the REAL Flo from the commercials?” The main encouragement that she had for the students was this: write down what you enjoy doing, write down what you believe that you are good at, and then ask your parents and teachers if you can make some kind of career out of that. It is always a great idea to get the wheels turning in what kids can choose as a career path.
The lesson for the day to each student: work hard, do your best, and your hard work will pay off.